My beautiful baby girl MayLynn Chaylea! She was born on December 8, 2010 at 6 pm. She was 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and 21 inches. Simply perfect! I love her so much! I was in labor for 38 hours, but she was worth it all. Jared and Rachel had to hurry to get down here, but they were able to spend all day with me on Wednesday the day she was born. My sister Tracea, Rachel, and MayLynn's birthfather Jordan were all in the room when I had her. Really she is just absolutely perfect! It was the most amazing experience ever. I took her home with me that following Friday. The days that I had her have been the most amazing days of my life. It's crazy how much I love I have for this sweet, inocent, beautiful baby girl. I signed the adoption papers on Saturday at 8:30. By far the hardest decision I will ever have to make in my life. I cried the whole entire time. But I was happy at the same time! I know how much love she will have in her life. Knowing that she is happy makes me the happiest person in the world. I'm proud to be a birthmom! Rachel, being the awesome person that she is, spent the night with me on Saturday so that I could have one last night with MayLynn. That meant the world to me! I was able to see her everyday while she was still down here. They had to go home though eventually. She left on December 15 to go back to California. I miss her so much. She is one of the biggest parts of my life, and always will be! Looking at all the pictures I have of her definitely makes my days so much better. I miss her a ton, and a cry a lot. But I know that she's happy, and that this was the choice I was suppose to make! I love you MayLynn Chaylea! You will always be in my heart and in my thoughts!!!